Foreign relations of Ethiopia

The foreign relations of Ethiopia refers to overall diplomatic relationship of Ethiopia. Tension between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt is growing since late 2010s due to failed reach settlement in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project. Egypt and Sudan presumed themselves dependent to Nile river since 1959 treaty. Nile Basin Initiative was signed by six upstream countries in 2010: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi despite Egypt and Sudan opposed the treaty. Ethiopia is a strategic partner of Global War on Terrorism and African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Ethiopia had about 200,000 diaspora as of 2016, and ethnic enclaves in some U.S. states. Former President Barack Obama was the first incumbent to visit Ethiopia in July 2015, while delivering speech in the Africa Union, he highlighted combatting Islamic terrorism. Ethiopian emigrants are in Europe mainly in Italy, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden and Australia. Ethiopia has Jewish emigrants in Israel totaling about 155,300 as of 2019. They are collectively known as Beta Israel.